Yass Squash Club on School Holidays

Yass Squash Club on School Holidays

Posted on 9th Jul 2019, 12:00am

The Yass Squash Club is now on a break until the week commencing Monday 22 July 2019. 

  • Tuesday night Term 3 Junior and Senior Comp will recommence on Tuesday 23 July 2019
  • Wednesday night Term 3 Junior and Senior Comp will recommence on Wednesday 24 July 2019
  • Sunday Junior Coaching and Club Practice will recommence on Sunday 28th July

Entries for the next lot of comps (Term 3 junior and senior comps) will close on Friday 12th July. I am planning to have the new Term 3 draws out to all players sometime between the 13 and 15 July.

Hope you all have a good break.

Lisa Matthews
Yass Squash Club

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